What We're About
Welcome to Cascadia House dot Us! We're a spiritual community of like minded people founded on loving-kindness in Vancouver, Washington.
This special space holds events for anyone interested in finding community through spiritual and personal growth. We do this with an inclusive, loving-kindness mindset to learn body/mind/spirit renewal practices such as yoga, meditation, and conscious movement, along with gratitude practice and goal setting. Cascadia House is home to In-Depth Tarot classes and sacred events. We also hold Meditation and Non-Violent Communication (NVC) practice groups. Check out our Schedule/Sign-up, and RSVP.
The Cascadia House purpose is to build inclusive, sacred community to foster meaningful friendships that nurture a healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit through kindness, learning, and fun!
The Stairway of Existence
By Hafiz
We are not in pursuit of formalities or fake religious laws,
for through the stairway of existence we have come to God's door.
We are people who need love, because love is the soul's life, love is simply creation's greatest joy.
Through the stairway of existence, O, through the stairway of existence, Hafiz,
have you now come, have we now all come, to the Beloved's door.
About Sally Dubats

Sally has guided sacred rituals and metaphysical workshops for over twenty years. "Negative" life experiences were a catalyst that created deep empathy for others and inspired her desire to create spiritual growth through connection and community. Sally loves to teach through the melding of body, mind, and spirit. She does this through yoga, conscious movement, Tarot, ritual and other spiritual modalities. Sally's goal is to create a compassionate, non-judgmental, and inclusive community events that are welcoming and honor each person's unique journey.
Sally is especially pleased to co-create Cascadia House and its ideals with her partner, Chuck. About her background:
- Published Author
- Founder of the Portland Tarot Guild, Tarot teacher (beginning through advanced classes and courses), professional Tarot reader
- Certified Yoga Siromani (Teacher of Yoga) through the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre with over fifteen years of instruction experience
- A.C.E. (American Council on Exercise) certified as GFI (Group Fitness Instructor)
About Chuck Powers

Chuck's journey was sparked in high school with Albert Einstein's essay on Religion and Science, and a very unwelcome reception from a parent when trying to discuss it. This initial phase culminated with a bachelor's degree in Philosophy and an attempt to learn how to think critically.
Young adulthood included living in Germany while in the Army, and becoming a father of two children (he is now a grandfather). Adulthood became increasingly difficult when family of origin issues began cropping up. A crisis point was reached, and, through grace, a helpful therapist, and the disciplines of Nonviolent Communication and Zen, more skilfull ways of living life began to be achieved.
Currently, Chuck is enjoying building a life and a home with Sally, cultivating community with Cascadia House, being a father and grandfather, and the clients in his CPA practice. About his background:
- Education: B.S. in Philosophy, graduate and postbacc work in education, TESOL and accounting
- Nonviolent Communication: Graduate, Susan Skye's year-long Pacific Leadership training program, past board member and treasurer Oregon Network for Compassionate Communication, seven years Sadie Scabarozi practice group member, year-long private work with LaShelle Charde, one year Vancouver practice group facilitator, two year Catalyst practice group facilitator
- Zen: Personal practice in the Soto Zen tradition beginning in October 2008 at Dharma Rain Center followed by: lay ordination, men's group, Sangha Movie coordinator, seminary program participant, and Dharma Council member two years.